November 2024 Minutes

Present in person: Councillors: P Thompson (PT), I Goodall (IG), K Skalka (KS), J Newby (JN), J Smith (JS), P Morris (PM), K Marris (KM) 2 members of the public, D Cllr Simpson, and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott.

The public forum began at 7.32 pm
Public Forum:  Litter picking was discussed during the public forum and a request for others to get involved.  A new bin was also discussed.  Speeding was also discussed, it is felt that there are more vehicles traveling through at speed.  A request for a new sign to deter speeders was made.  Planning for the rear of Blue Bell Inn was discussed, what are the plans, what is the councils view on this application?  No plans have been submitted for consultation at this point in time and the council may have to call another meeting to discuss this application when the plans are received.  {JS arrived and I member of the public left}

Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.46 pm

1.    Apologies for absence and reasons given – MB, PB and NS provided apologies and reasons.

2.    Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  There were none.

3.    Chairman’s remarks – PT stated that we are coming to the end of the NDP project and please think of what our communities need to work on going forward.

4.    To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2024 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meetings having been previously circulated were accepted, following one amendment, as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.

5.    To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:  
a.    Website statistics – these can be viewed on the website. (link provided on agenda).  IG Noted that the website is accessed 600 plus times per week by 300 plus people.  Thanks to IG for ensuring that the website is up to date.
b.    Community Speed Watch – The clerk has emailed the costs for this scheme in 2019 to all councillors.  Up to date costs are to be investigated.

6.    To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) –District Councillor Daniel Simpson advised has raised our concerns over satnav diversions through our villages (& others) with Highways and others.  £15 million has been allocated to Internal Drainage Boards to assist with their expenses and planned programmes of work over the next 2 years.  YMCA grant funding advice is available, he will forward the email with the detailed information.  ELDC are looking into how TPO’s are done and agreed and more elected member involvement is to be included in the process. 

7.    To receive an update from the Village Green Committee: There is nothing to report, KM will stepdown from the Village Green committee as parish council rep.  She will do other activities instead.  The project team is to be set up next week for the play equipment plans.

8.    Highways Matters – JS, Following a site meeting, 11 potholes were swiftly addressed.  I side has been done with limestone and the other side has been done with chalk.  This is felt to be a waste of time and money.  Nothing has been done in Fulletby.  It was resolved to send a strongly worded letter to keep up the pressure and also consider doing it ourselves.  The southern side of Lowfield Lane, Fulletby to Tetford Road.  JS and PT to approve the clerks drafted letter.  Cllr Simpson advised that if we know the registration number of a vehicle fly tipping we can report this to ELDC.  Further information will be sent for inclusion in the next newsletter.

9.    To consider correspondence received since the last meeting:
a.    ELDC review of support for Towns & Parishes – the clerk will forward the questionnaire.

10.     Dates for 2025 meetings – as circulated.  Dates were all agreed.  PT is not available in March and JS is not available in January.
11.    Speeding Results: The recent Archers Survey results were circulated to all before the meeting.  This matter will also be on the January agenda.  The average speed of vehicles is 22.4mph from the survey results.

12.    Henry Neave Charity – Belchford Public Purposes Charity & the Henry Neave Charity are both Belchford specific charities.  JN, we could change the emphasis of each charity.  Another charity Trustee is needed as Val Brigginshaw wishes to step down.  BPP has about £500 per year income.  Could we amalgamate the 2, could they be run by the same Trustees?  JS suggested that a suitable person could be found via a request in the newsletter.  A description of the funds will be given and request for volunteers to be trustees.

13.    Community Ideas / Project: Capital Projects for 2025 and beyond.  Ideas were a community pond or fund buying a liner for the pond at the woodland.  A sculpture or folly at the community woodland, perhaps a torch or beacon.  The Wildlife Trust or Lincs Wolds Countryside Services may help with a grant for these ideas.  This will be included in the newsletter.

14.    Footpath Maintenance – Several months of dry weather and good footpaths.  PT suggests several areas of improvement as the Viking Way is not easily navigated for some people.  LCC have responsibility.  We need to identify the bad bits and contact the footpaths officer at LCC.  It is noted that the footway near Church is covered by leaves and not easily accessible.  There is another location near to School House with an overgrown hedge.  Footpath width is 1m minimum and 2m minimum for bridle paths.

15.    Maintenance of Village Furniture – IG advises that the Noticeboard in Fulletby is covered in Moss and needs cleaning/oiling.  It is the wrong time of the year to be tackling this work.  IG presumes that the Belchford items are in similar order including the bus shelters.  Proposal to approve a budget and find someone to coordinate inspecting and getting a quote.  A budget of £100 per bus shelter was proposed, seconded, voted and resolved.    This will be on the January agenda for further discussion and making a plan for better weather.

16.    Tree Planting in Community Woodland – KS The pig hanging tree has now been registered as a notable tree with the Woodland Tree, Thanks to Mrs Skalka for doing this.  It doesn’t mean anything other than it has been recorded.  A grant to put up a plaque to inform all of the tree’s history  KS will investigate.  A grant from LWCS may be available.  There is an ivy burden on this tree and further investigation will be undertaken.

a.    Free Trees – PT has been to the woodland today, the fruit tree labels are fading and require replacement.  PT will action this.  Pruning is required and PM will lead this task.  JS has applied for more trees to be planted.  IG asked if Natalie’s trees are still alive – they are doing OK and there is a plaque.  Proposal for a pond – the LWCS may be able to provide grant or information on other grants.  JS will action.  Christmas trees will be collecting after the New Year to top up the Twiglet – this will be promoted in the next newsletter.  KM offered to do posters.
b.    Monitoring of species – PB had information on this topic and is not present this evening.

17.    Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.  The RFO, has provided a financial report, which has been circulated to all.

a)    To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, a spreadsheet was provided, as circulated. £3,368 income and £1,569.72 expenditure for the financial year to date.
b)    To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting, which include £12 for village hall hire.

IG, the NDP examiner report is due soon and it will take some time to complete.  £35.94 is required to cover any use of office 365, these costs were proposed, seconded, voted and resolved.

JN will assist if required with change of address for bank statements.  Council will consider digital / online banking and this will be decided at a future meeting.

18.    Planning Matters: Land at the rear of the Blue Bell.  This has not been verified with ELDC yet.  An extra meeting may be required to discuss this application, when it is received.  We must invite the applicant to attend any meeting called and ask our District Councillor to put the application to the planning committee.  Cllr Simpson outlined the process at ELDC and how to get the matter discussed at committee.  The consequences and impact of the application were discussed.  We must see the application first.  Members discussed the NDP and oversight over the consultation or lack of with Mr Pickles.

19.    To agree agenda items for the November 2024 meeting – The meeting will be held on 16th January at Belchford Village Hall.  The budget and precept will be agreed at this meeting.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.


Prepared by Mrs K M Elliott, Clerk & RFO Dated 21st November 2024

Note: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 are cheques written up to then but not cleared

Balance per bank statement as at 1 August 2024

HSBC Current account

 £               7,869.81

Less: any un-presented cheques at 21 November 2024




Net bank balance as at 21 November 2024

 £               7,869.81

The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows



Opening Balance 01 Apr 24

 £               7,303.65

Add: Receipts in the year to 21 November 2024

 £               3,367.79

Less: Payments in the year to 21 November 2024

 £               1,569.72

Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 (from 2023/24)


Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 21 November 2024





Precept 2024- 2025 19th April 2024


HMRC VAT reclaim







Bank Charges (22 April 2024)


430 Clear Insurance Management Ltd


431 LALC Subscription


432 LALC Training


433 LALC Web Time


434 Belchford Village Hall


Bank Charges (30042024)


Bank Charges (31052024)


Bank Charges (30062024)


435 LALC Website time


436 Mrs K M Elliott Clerks Salary


437 Mrs J Newby Newsletter printing and paint for signs


438 HMRC


439 Village Hall Hire



