September 2024 Minutes

Notes from Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 held at Belchford 
Present in person: Councillors: P Thompson (PT), I Goodall (IG), K Skalka (KS), J Newby (JN), J Smith (JS), P Morris (PM) 2 members of the public, D Cllr Simpson, and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott.

The public forum began at 7.35 pm
Public Forum:  The Chairman apologized for the change of meeting date.  Mr P Barnes expressed an interest in joining the parish council.   

Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.37 pm

1.    Apologies for absence and reasons given – MB and KM provided apologies.

2.    Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  There were none.

3.    Chairman’s remarks – PT thanked IG for his continued work on the neighbourhood Development Plan and also JN for painting the signs and producing the newsletter.

4.    To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2024 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meetings having been previously circulated were accepted as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.

5.    To co-opt a new parish councillor – Mr Paul Barnes introduced himself and provided a brief resume of who he is and why he wants to join the parish council.  Do councillors want to ask Mr Barnes any questions?  It was proposed, seconded, voted and resolved that Mr Barnes be co-opted on to the parish council with immediate effect.  The clerk will issue Mr Barnes with the relevant forms to be completed.

6.    To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:  
a.    Next Newsletter – JN the next newsletter is due at the end of this month and requested articles to be included on our new councillor, the forthcoming church concert, the woodland working party and a report from this meeting.
b.    A question was raised regarding helping an elderly person with tree/hedge cutting costs and this is not a permitted use of council funds.

7.    To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) –District Councillor Daniel Simpson advised that due to recent changes by Government the ELDC Local Plan will be impacted.  More houses are required by Government and this will have an effect in East Lindsey.  Retail planning is also to be reviewed.  The latest housing target is 1091 which is up from 500.  Recent changes within the planning office at ELDC will also have an impact.  There is a £10 million windfall and ELDC will consult as to how and where this will be spent.  One example could be an increased promotion of The Wolds as a holiday destination.  The new Government has halted the devolution process.  Changes to food waste collections are being planned.  A caddy for food waste may be under proposal.  West Lindsey will start this roll out in 2025.  There will be no cost to households. Details of the Pig Hanging Tree have been submitted to the Woodland Trust for consideration as a "NotableTree". The process can take up to a year before the tree is mapped and recorded.  Councillor Simpson will investigate how TPO’s are designated, what is the process and who should make this decision.  There are some DC Community Funds available, a suggestion was made to assist with notice board refurbishment and an application is to be made.  [DS left at 8.11pm]  Volunteers are to be requested in the next newsletter for Notice Board refurbs.  A tree surgeon is to be sought for the overhanging tree at the Bus Shelter.

8.    To receive an update from the Village Green Committee: No one was available to provide a report.  This weekend’s rounder’s event is also cancelled.   

9.    Highways Matters – Some potholes have been filled in yesterday.  On 5th September we had a visit from Highways officers and County Councillor Marfleet.  The problem is the shoulders of the highway are deteriorating, our problem has been recognised.  Lowfield Lane and Fulletby were looked at.  Addition of limestone was discussed.  Could a small section be done, monitored and reviewed.  There is a blocked drain in Fulletby which has been forwarded to our County Councillor.  

10.    To consider correspondence received since the last meeting:
a.    Nothing to comment on.

11.    Speeding: A request for the 30mph zone to be extended in Belchford to beyond East Farm, Main Road. A community Speed Watch Action group was suggested. LRSP are to be invited to visit on a Friday evening or Sunday afternoon.  An Archer survey is also to be requested.  The clerk will provide details of the costs for Community Speed Watch equipment and also for a data collecting Pole Mounted Device, this will be discussed at the next meeting.

12.    Community Ideas / Project: Capital Projects for 2025 and beyond.  Ideas were a community pond or fund buying a liner for the pond at the woodland.  A sculpture or folly at the community woodland, perhaps a torch or beacon.  The Wildlife Trust or Lincs Wolds Countryside Services may help with a grant for these ideas.  This will be included in the newsletter.

13.    NDP Update: As per the circulated documents, IG confirmed that lots of progress has been made.  The NDP has gone to the examiner, John Slater RICS, who has visited both parishes and written a brief preliminary report with 25 questions.  IG has composed a response for the deadline this Friday.  There are no objections to the proposed response.  Resolved.  ELDC will then respond and all responses will be on the ELDC website.  IG will require help with further responses when they are requested.  

14.    Website update: IG proposed that 5 more hours are to be purchased, no objections, Resolved, and minutes are to be added to the website quicker please.  The structure of the website is improved and documents are easier to find.  Is there any way we can find out viewing figures, the clerk will enquire.

15.    Community Woodland Working Party: JS commented that 50% of the trees are in good order, 25% not good and 25% have died.  Are we happy to let it naturalise?  JS is happy to mow paths.  Do we want is there a case for more mowing to be done.  The cost of deer fencing is extensive. It looks scruffy with lots of ragwort and willow herb.  PT notes that the Wildlife Trust would recommend leaving it scruffy for the benefit of the wildlife.  Who uses it? What do they use it for?  Do we know a footfall?  It gets used every day by a small proportion of our community. Can we plant more trees, there are several areas to plant.  It is noted that the peppercorn rent has not been collected.  Could we find out what species are using the woodland?  PM will contact Lincs Wildlife Trust.  Free Trees may be available from Woodland Trust and County Council.  PB will provide info on monitoring devices.  For further discussion at our November meeting.

16.    Clerk – Employment contract.  This needs to be done, PT.

17.    Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.  The RFO, has provided a financial report, which has been circulated to all.

a)    To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, a spreadsheet was provided, as circulated. £3,368 income and £1,569.72 expenditure for the financial year to date.
b)    To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting, which include 

18.    Planning Matters: none

19.    To agree agenda items for the November 2024 meeting – The meeting will be held on 21st November 2024 at Belchford Village Hall.  

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.



Prepared by Mrs K M Elliott, Clerk & RFO Dated 11 September 2024

Note: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 are cheques written up to then but not cleared

Balance per bank statement as at 1 August 2024

HSBC Current account

 £               7,869.81

Less: any un-presented cheques at 11 September 2024




Net bank balance as at 11 September 2024

 £               7,869.81

The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows



Opening Balance 01 Apr 24

 £               7,303.65

Add: Receipts in the year to 11 September 2024

 £               3,367.79

Less: Payments in the year to 11 September 2024

 £               1,569.72

Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 (from 2023/24)


Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 11 September 2024





Precept 2024- 2025 19th April 2024


HMRC VAT reclaim







Bank Charges (22 April 2024)


430 Clear Insurance Management Ltd


431 LALC Subscription


432 LALC Training


433 LALC Web Time


434 Belchford Village Hall


Bank Charges (30042024)


Bank Charges (31052024)


Bank Charges (30062024)


435 LALC Website time


436 Mrs K M Elliott Clerks Salary


437 Mrs J Newby Newsletter printing and paint for signs


438 HMRC



