July 2024 Minutes
Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 18th July 2024 held at Fulletby Church.
Present in person: Councillors: P Thompson (PT), I Goodall (IG), N Brigginshaw (NB), K Skalka (KS), M Brown (MB), J Newby (JN), J Smith (JS), K Marris (KM) 3 members of the public, D Cllr Simpson, C Cllr H Marfleet and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott.
The public forum began at 7.32 pm
Public Forum: NB formally handed in his resignation from the parish council, he has enjoyed his tenure as parish councillor and RFO and wishes the council good luck for the future. The Glebe Trust thanked the parish council for the funds from the Lane Lettings, a bench has been ordered and a plaque will be added to commemorate the installation. A resident highlighted a suspicious red saloon car which has visited a property in Belchford, this has been reported to the Police and also Next Door, a community use App. A proposal was put forward to nominate the Pig Hanging Tree for Tree of the Year with the Woodland Trust.
Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.41 pm
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – PM and NS provided apologies.
2. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act. There were none.
3. Chairman’s remarks – PT thanked NB for his time on the parish council as councillor and RFO, you will be missed. [NB left the meeting at 7.43pm] A minutes silence was held for former parish councillor Mr Zach Henden, who has sadly passed away. PT and KM have both attended parish council training recently and PT would encourage all councillors to undertake training for the benefit of the community and to gain greater knowledge. The clerk was asked to send details of future courses to all councillors. Thanks were also offered t IG for the continued work on the NDP and JN for newsletter production.
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2024 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meetings having been previously circulated were accepted as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.
5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:
a. Storage of Parish Records – the clerk will make arrangements to inspect the Belchford cabinet as soon as possible.
b. Next Newsletter – JN is to be advised of any articles.
c. TPO Pig hanging Tree – KS confirmed that no progress has been made with ELDC’s Tree Officer. An idea to nominate the tree for Tree of the Year has been put forward during the public forum.
6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) –County Councillor Hugo Marfleet spoke about the Highways of concern within our parishes, LCC don’t really know how to deal with the road edges on minor roads. Lowfield Lane between the village and the Blue Stone Heath Road, Look North have seen this road 4 years ago and R Fenwick visited in September 2023, a report was promised and has not been received. A road survey vehicle has been seen going through the village recently. Fulletby Road has also been reported. The salting route roads are those where the road edges are deteriorating. Should we consider doing some work ourselves, with local farmers. It is thought that there are over 100 potholes in our villages. H Marfleet will organise a site visit/meeting again. How do we draw attention to the bad roads within our parish? Are solid white lines needed or passing places. Members discussed using stone to reinforce the road edges and also the budget or lack of for minor roads as Highways funding has been cut by central government. [JS left the meeting 8.08pm] If the local farmers want to help let’s get on with it. District Councillor Daniel Simpson advised that as there has been a change in Government the ELDC Local Plan is now in limbo as emphasis changes. Our Local Plan will include green energy projects, policies and locations. Devolution will go ahead for Lincolnshire. With regard to the TPO, KS and DS are to communicate with reasons for requesting the TPO as heritage in our parish needs recording. [JS returned 8.21pm] The next round of District councillor community grant funding is available. [HM left the meeting at 8.24pm]
7. To receive an update from the Village Green Committee: KM advised that there had been heated discussion at the recent meeting and there is no progress on the play area yet. A request for another questionnaire was suggested about what happens to and on the village green. Is another survey necessary? It was proposed to get designs created and then put the proposal to the parish council and the public before obtaining funding.
8. Highways Matters – As discussed earlier.
9. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting:
a. LIVES Quarterly report – both defibs are rescue ready.
b. Application for Belchford Public Purposes funds – an application has been received from Belchford Parents & Toddlers. JN advised that there is approx. £1200 available, and proposed that all groups who use the village hall receive funds from this charity. Members discussed who is eligible to receive such funds and it was proposed, seconded voted and resolved that £100 each should go to 5 groups as per the list provided by JN, £200 each should go to Toddlers group and the village green plus £100 to Belchford Church. A total of £1000.
c. Village Signs – JN is willing to paint them and a budget of £100 was approved for paint.
10. Community Ideas / Project: This will be included in the next newsletter and could include a social event, coffee morning or quiz. The rounder’s competition will take place at the village green on 15th September, tams are required and there is to be a concert in Church on 8th November.
11. NDP Update: IG noted that the consultation section 16 has received no comments or feedback. And the NDP now passes on to RICS. Necessary documentation has been completed and returned and an external examiner will be chosen. We are slowly working towards the referendum, which is paid for by ELDC.
12. Website update
a. Extra Hours: 5 more hours are to be purchased at £85.00, resolved.
13. Community Woodland Working Party: JS requested that he investigate the cost for deer fencing around internal to footpath, as lots of trees are being affected. Mr Barnes advised a cost of £16 per meter. Funding may be available via Helen Gamble at LWCS.
14. Review of Policies and Procedures: As previously circulated by the clerk, PT has amended and the Financial Regulations in particular need figures inserting as to how much can be spent outside of meetings. Amendments were suggested and agreed and now these documents can be adopted and uploaded to the website. It was agreed to include a table of who created, amended on all documents to aid review. Proposed, seconded, voted and resolved.
15. Clerk – Employment contract & Salary:
a. An hourly rate was proposed of £13.97 (LC1 SCP13), this will be effective immediately. The clerk is to hit targets and pay scales will be reviewed. This is at April 2023 rates and is a recognised pay scale which is reviewed annually, with an increase due for April 2024. There will be an impact on our budget and precept going forward. Resolved.
b. We will review the clerk’s hours and advertise the councillor vacancy and potential RFO position. The clerk will provide a separate timesheet for the RFO work. Resolved.
16. Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period. The RFO, NB has provided a financial report, which has been circulated to all.
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, NB provided a spreadsheet, as circulated. £3,100 income and £882.11 expenditure for the financial year to date. A query was raised with regard to figures on the document and the clerk will check these with NB.
b) To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting, which include LALC extra hours for website maintenance. £85.00. Resolved.
17. Planning Matters:
a. S/013/00613/24 FPP Given.
b. S/013/00277/24 FPP Given.
18. To agree agenda items for the September 2024 meeting – The meeting will be held on 19th September 2024 at Belchford Village Hall. It is noted that Mr P Barnes is interested in becoming a parish councillor.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.24 pm.
Prepared by Nigel Brigginshaw, RFO Dated 18 July 2024 |
Note: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 are cheques written up to then but not cleared |
Balance per bank statement as at 1 July 2024 |
HSBC Current account |
£ 8,521.53 |
Less: any un-presented cheques at 18 July 2024 |
427 Woodhall Printers |
£27.00 |
430 BHIB Insurance |
£516.97 |
Net bank balance as at 18 July 2024 |
£ 7,977.56 |
The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows |
Opening Balance 01 Apr 24 |
£ 7,303.65 |
Add: Receipts in the year to 18 July 2024 |
£ 3,100.00 |
Less: Payments in the year to 18July 2024 |
£ 525.17 |
Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 (from 2023/24) |
£1,900.92 |
Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 18 May 2024 |
£7,977.56 |
Precept 2024- 2025 19th April 2024 |
£3,100 |
£3,100 |
Bank Charges (22 April 2024) |
£8.20 |
430 Clear Insurance Management Ltd |
£516.97 |
431 LALC Subscription |
£154.14 |
432 LALC Training |
£120.00 |
433 LALC Web Time |
£64.80 |
434 Belchford Village Hall |
£18 |
Precept 2024- 2025 19th April 2024 £3,100
TOTAL £3,100
Bank Charges (22 April 2024) £8.20
430 Clear Insurance Management Ltd £516.97
431 LALC Subscription £154.14
432 LALC Training £120.00
433 LALC Web Time £64.80
434 Belchford Village Hall £18