July 2023 Minutes

Belchford and Fulletby Parish Council

Minutes from Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 20th July 2023 held at Fulletby Church.
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as formal minutes until duly signed on behalf of the Parish Council)

Present in person: Councillors: J Newby (JN), P Thompson (PT), N Brigginshaw (NB), K Skalka (KS), M Brown (MB), K Marris (KM) also present J Smith, 3 members of the public, District Councillor D Simpson and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott.

The public forum began at 7.30 pm

Public Forum:  At the start of the public forum concerns over the condition of the verges was raised as lorries and tractors are driving over and damaging them, also public footpaths are obstructed by overhanging hedges.  PT advised that in some cases this has been raised with the landowner/property owner.  Please ask farm contractors to respect the speed limit.  It is noted that Belchford to Heath Road gets narrower, we have been promised a meeting but nothing g has yet been organised.  The clerk will chase C Cllr H Marfleet and R Fenwick.

Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.45 pm

1.   Apologies for absence and reasons given – P Morris, I Goodall and N Sorenti, reasons provided and accepted.

2.   Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  There are none.

3.   Chairman’s remarks – PT noted that we are making progress with exciting projects in mind for the next 12 months.  PT would like to see more public at parish council meetings to put forward suggestions for initiatives for the council to take forward.  It is also noted that all the ragwort in the community woodland has been pulled out.

4.   To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2023 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting having been previously circulated were approved following amendments, as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated. It is noted that a new bin has been installe3d by ELDC at the Fulletby bus stop.

5.   Vacancies for parish councillors – There is one vacancy.  One candidate has put themselves forward, Mr J Smith and it was proposed, seconded, voted and resolved to co-opt John Smith onto the parish council.

6.   Councillor Training – The LALC councillor training course information is to be sent out again to all councillors by email and PT encouraged everyone to pick a course and it was proposed, seconded, voted and resolved to sign up to the ATS  with LALC. 

7.   To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:  Speed signs are all in place now, JN.

8.   To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) –Police and County Councillor not present.  D Cllr D Simpson is our newly elected representative and is very pleased to meet everyone.  His contact details are on the ELDC website.  He has some community grant money available and there is also a community facilities grant available to encourage people to come together.  A link is to be sent to the clerk.  ELDC are using £5 million pounds of levelling up funds to review and improve Alford Manor House, Alford Windmill, Spilsby Sessions House, Colonnade at Sutton on Sea and the Pier & Theatre at Skegness.  He also discussed the Theddlethorpe site which has been proposed for nuclear waste storage, there is to be a local consultation.  If this goes ahead it will involve building a railway line from the Humber.  60% of council tax goes to pay for drainage and funding for this is changing.

9.   TPO update – KS provided an update on the Pig Hanging Tree, at the moment there has been no reply from the Tree Officer at ELDC.

10.   To receive an update from the Village Green Committee – KM advised that there has been a good event to help raise funds and more car boot sales are being planned.  Crowd funding is being set up and the next step is to make a video to promote the use of and need for a play area.  Expected costs are to be confirmed, there is a village green committee meeting next week.  Football nets are to be purchased and installed in time for the summer holidays.

11.   Lane Letting report: PT advised that the lane letting took place outside the pub a couple of weeks after the APM and it raised £280.  The idea of raising funds for a specific project was suggested at the APM and a pair of goal posts and nets have been ordered and purchased for the village green.

12.   Blackboards: PT advised that each village now has a blackboard to publicise meetings and events.  Chalk has proved not very durable and pens have been purchased and are more long lasting.  Fulletby board is kept with PM and Belchford with PT.  Total costs are to be reimbursed to PT, Approx. £50.

13.   LCC Highways matters – a site visit has been requested with our Highways Officer, however we have been offered a site meeting with our County Councillor and R Fenwick Head of Highways Asset and Local Management Services at Lincolnshire County Council.  The clerk will chase LCC.  Members discussed taking matters in to their own hands and concluded that approved contractors would be a staggeringly expensive task.  The condition of the roads in our parishes has an impact on users of the Viking way and visitors to the AONB, we are an important link road to the coast.  When was the last traffic count undertaken?  Can our District Councillor help with this?

14.   Empty Properties – JN advised that this matter has been dealt with.

15.   Ings Lane Bridleway: This will have to wait until the birds have stopped nesting.  An excavator with a tree shear is needed and winter is a quieter and more appropriate time for this to be carried out.  Is it a BOAT, Byway or Bridleway?  3m width would be needed to get a machine in and permission would be needed.  Do we need to get a quote from an alternative contractor, JS is happy to do this task.  It is noted that it is very wet at one end.

16.   Bollards outside Splash Cottage: These have been removed.

17.   Asset Register: NB and PT have had a tour of the villages to look at our assets.  Valuation of the items is greater than we have insured.  There is a circular bench around the tree in front of the Blue Bell this and other items are not listed.  Should we take on maintenance of these items as they have been gifted to the villages?  The proposal is to put them on our asset register and maintain them, NB.  We have a duty to look after such items which are valued and used by our community.  It was proposed, seconded, voted and resolved to add these items to our assets and maintain them, R Short is to be asked to inspect the woodwork and provide quotes for any repairs.  NB will action adding these items to our insurance policy and it is noted that there may be an increase in our policy costs as a result.

18.    Website: Will be discussed at the next meeting as NS is not present tonight.

19.   To consider correspondence received since the last meeting: There are none.

20.   Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.  The RFO, NB has provided a financial report, which has been circulated to all.

a)   To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, NB provided a spreadsheet. The account balance is £8,500 no other funds are involved and we are in a healthy position.  The VAT reclaim has been submitted and received.  Blackboards costs is £38.66

b)   To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting.  Members discussed why internet banking is not used.  A grant application is to be made for District Councillor funds for assistance with maintenance of our assets.

21.   Planning Matters: There are none.

22.   To consider items for the Parish Newsletter: JN will collate articles and a newsletter will be distributed before the summer ends.  To include Open Churches, state of roads and drainage maps, village green events and fundraisers. Post office van visits, fish & chip van visits and welcome to new residents.

23.   To agree agenda items for the September 2023 meeting – The meeting will be held on 21st September at Belchford Village Hall.  Items for the agenda will include, Highways, Drainage Map, TPO, London Plane Crown Lifting, Community Woodland, welcoming new people to the village, Thank you to people who independently volunteer in our villages.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.00 pm.


Prepared by Nigel Brigginshaw, RFO Dated 20 July 2023

Note: Payments in the year to 31 March 2023 are cheques written up to then but not cleared

Balance per bank statement as at 1 July 2023

HSBC Current account

 £               8,843.86

Less: any un-presented cheques at 20 July 2023

393 J Newby (Speed sign and printing donation)

 £                    87.60

The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows



Opening Balance 01 Apr 23

 £               7,870.40

Add: Receipts in the year to 20 July 2023

 £               3,634.74

Less: Payments in the year to 20 July 2023

 £                  892.30

Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2023 (from 2022/23)


Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 14 July 2023





Precept 2023- 2024 6th April 2023


VAT Repayment


Lane Letting








388 R Ward (Trees)


Bank Charges (22 April 2023)


389 Village Hall


390 BHIB Insurance


391 Clerk's Salary


392 HMRC


Bank Charges (22 May 2023)


Bank Charges (22 June 2023)


393 J Newby (Speed sign and printing donation)



