September 2022 DRAFT Minutes
Belchford and Fulletby Parish Council
Notes from Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 29th September 2022 held at Belchford Church.
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as formal minutes until duly signed on behalf of the Parish Council)
Present in person: Councillors: I Goodall (IG), J Newby (JN), M Brown (MB), P Thompson (PT), J Smith (JS). Also present two members of the public and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott, plus C Cllr H Marfleet.
The public forum began at 7.37pm
Public Forum: ELDC have given permission for the new bin to be installed in Fulletby and once installed the bin will be added to the rota for emptying. The style and size of the bin was discussed and the clerk will check back through minutes for whether this bin cost has been approved and also what the cost of the larger bin will be.
Parish Council meeting
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Z Henden, P Morris and N Brigginshaw have sent apologies. R Short is not present.
2. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act. JS and MB potentially have conflicts for item 12.
3. Chairman’s remarks – JS has nothing to comment on.
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 27th July 2022 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting having been previously circulated were approved following amendments as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated. It is requested that the notes of the meetings are produced sooner.
5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:
a. More bulbs – JS proposed planting more daffodil bulbs and this was agreed. JS agreed to make arrangements for this.
b. Increase in clerk’s hourly rate – this matter was discussed at length and it was resolved to increase the hourly rate to £14.42 per hour from 1st October 2022.
6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – C Cllr H Marfleet presented his report; There is a new Highways Area Manager and it is hoped that a sensible approach can be taken towards village approaches in particular Lowfield Lane and Oxcombe Road. Members discussed how the work should be done and what it looks like in the AONB. PT suggested a clearway with white lines and passing places. The District Council offices are due to move to Horncastle soon. There has been an underspend and £5 million is to be used for highways work. It is noted that over use of salt in winter can also cause road edge erosion. District Cllr Andrews has sent his apologies for this meeting and there was no police report. [C Cllr Marfleet left at 8.13pm]
IG, noted that new locks are needed for Belchford Notice Boards and asked if RS would be able to resolve this matter please. It was also noted that Full Fibre Broadband has not been forgotten and IG will report back to the next meeting.
7. To co-opt a new parish councillor – There is one candidate for this position and Mr Skalka presented himself to the meeting and following discussion it was resolved to co-opt Mr Skalka to the parish council.
8. To discuss play equipment for the Village Green Committee – Quotes have been received in excess of £60,000 but are now out of date and grant funding is required. Sources are to be found. There are currently no volunteers to help even though requests have been made in the newsletter. JS and PT confirmed their intention to support this project and the clerk advised that she would also be able to assist.
9. To consider nomination form for Asset of Community Value – as per the circulated document this matter was discussed and RESOLVED to support. JN supplied further details.
10. To review any potholes & other Highways matters – this matter has been dealt with earlier in the meeting. Dams Lane has had some repairs carried out.
11. Parish Gateways – As per the email from PM earlier today, these would require permission from LCC Highways and cost approximately £1000 per gateway to purchase and £1500 per 4 to install. Members discussed the already cluttered street scene and whether the road are wide enough. Members concluded to get fixed quotes for this work and to hear PM’s views at the next meeting.
12. To consider rights of way & Footpaths – PT noted that at the Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting in December 2021 residents raised the request for more circular walks. Permissive paths were discussed, the definitive map and reinstatement of historic paths were also discussed. Should the parish council pursue this? Seeking the reinstatement of paths. It will have an impact on 2 parish councillors as landowners. More information is required please.
IG noted that the 50m section of Viking Way footpath has been resurfaced and a great job has been done.
Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) JN is to meet with their representative and report to the next meeting. IG proposes that this meeting goes ahead and a report is brought back to the meeting.
Ings Lane – the contractor is to be contacted by JS as costs have been approved at a previous meeting.
13. Neighbourhood Development Plan – IG provided a report, grants have been secured by JN and IG has written the plan in its first draft, which has been reviewed. Aecom have critically reviewed the plan and NDP and it will then be amended. Aecom Co design document has also been completed. The types of the buildings in the villages and will be incorporated in the NDP. Protection of a number of buildings in Belchford and Fulletby giving a level of protection – a list of buildings has been drawn up which will also be included in the NDP, for example Winn Cottage. IG will incorporate the above into the second draft and JN states that there is more grant funding available. When further amendments are made the document will be presented to the whole village for a vote in 2023. JS, thank you to the team for all the hard work and we look forward to the final document.
14. Community Woodland – There has been reasonable use of this facility but unfortunately we have lost quite a few of the large trees. JN is able to bring children from St Lawrence School to help with some tasks over winter. JN will ask NB to confirm insurance cover. More trees are required please. The hedge needs cutting around the corner and the sponsored tree planting project needs completing (PT). Plaques are also needed and please add brash to the hedgehog nest. It is noted that the Wards in Belchford have Silver Birch trees.
15. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting: none received.
16. Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period. The RFO has not provided a financial report for this meeting.
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, none provided for this meeting.
b) To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting including no details provided for this meeting.
17. Planning Matters:
a. S/013/01257/22 – FPP Given.
b. S/055/01166/22 – FPP Given.
Also S/013/01841/22 – members RESOLVED to support this application.
18. To consider items for the Parish Newsletter: Please send articles to the clerk. This will include dates and articles appropriate for November/Christmas and the New Year. The clerk was asked to include a link to the NDP and update other areas on the parish council website as soon as possible.
19. To agree agenda items for the November 2022 meeting – The meeting will be held on 17th November 2022 in Belchford Village Hall.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.19 pm.