January 2022 Minutes


Notes from Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 20th January 2022 held at Belchford Village Hall.


Present in person: Councillors: R Short (RS), I Goodall (IG), J Newby (JN), M Brown (MB), N Brigginshaw (NB), P Thompson (PT) and P Morris (PM).  Also present the clerk, Mrs K M Elliott and 8 members of the public.

The public forum began at 7.30pm

Public Forum:  Members and public discussed the Neighbourhood Development Plan questionnaire and the meeting which had taken place earlier this afternoon with a planning consultant.  JN provided background to the NDP that in completing this plan the community will have more of a say on how our villages of Belchford and Fulletby are developed.  Draft policies are being developed from the results from our questionnaire and survey and further information will go out with the next newsletter. Our NDP must reflect the communities’ wishes for the future as far as planning goes.

The planning application at the rear of the Blue Bell was discussed and it is noted that ELDC are still taking comments.  More documents have been requested from the developer and original deadlines have passed.

Dams Lane – a no through road sign should be erected, this is to be requested from LCC Highways.  It is also noted that the road surface is in poor condition with lots of potholes.  Details of how to report these on Fixmystreet are to be included on the next newsletter.

The 30mph sign has corroded at the A153 end of the village and this is to be reported to LCC Highways.  Another sign at Burnside is also corroded and will be reported.  [4 members of the public left the meeting.]


  1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – ZH, JS and D Cllr D Andrews have sent apologies.
  2. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  RS for item 11.
  3. Chairman’s remarks – There were none.  PT will chair this meeting in JS absence.
  4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th and 30th November 2021 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting having been previously circulated were approved as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.
  5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:
    1. IG advised that keys for the noticeboards were discussed at the November meeting and 2 new locks have been ordered with 4 matching keys for the Belchford board.  This will leave the current keys x 4 to be used for the Fulletby board.  The Fulletby keys will be with IG, PM, RS and JL.  The cost of this will be £60 and RS will fit the new locks.  This was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.
  6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – No representatives were present and therefore there were no reports.
  7. To receive a report from Belchford VCC – no one was in attendance to give a report.
  8. To receive an update from the Village Green Committee – No one was present from the Village Green Committee and therefore no report was provided.  A request is to be made that they attend the March meeting or provide a report.  They are also to be invited to discuss the car park opportunity at the village green site.
  9. To discuss/decide on visitor car parking opportunity at the village green site – There is a base already and it is not necessary to rip it up and start again even though it is not an ideal shape.  It could be fenced and made good.  There have not been any meetings of the village hall committee recently.  The clerk will ask ELDC if a change of use application is needed.  It is thought that there is some negativity about people parking at the village green.  Our village is a tourist hotspot and this matter needs to be discussed further at the March meeting.
  10. To review any potholes & other Highways matters – The potholes are still there and have got bigger.  Paradise Lane and Winn Lane, Fulletby.  Please also report on fixmystreet.  Lowfield Lane erosion of the whole road width.  A site meeting is to be requested with LCC Highways colleagues.  There are 20 to 30 potholes on Furlongs Lane.

    It is also noted that following an Internal Drainage Board meeting earlier today regarding flooding, mitigation is being sought.

  11. Community Woodland – Surplus fruit trees were planted in the first week of February and PM will prune them in the next month.  Varieties include, apple, pear, cherry, plum and damson.  What has happened about Mrs Abbott’s tree?  It is on order.  Mrs Murfin and Mr Marwood both have promised young saplings and also the trees will need to be planted for those who have purchased trees.

    Observatory – PT detailed the progress made on this project.  Chestnut poles have been collected and installed.  Brash is to be delivered when the land is drier.  To secure the grant funding the project needs to be completed by the end of February.  The benches will be made and delivered when completed.  PT and RS will meet up on site to discuss the orientation of the benches.  PT will provide an article for the next newsletter.

  12. Footpaths – JN will also provide an article for the newsletter.  Enquiries are being made about circular walks from current bridleways and the Viking way to woodland.  We are talking with LWCS, ramblers and the definitive map.  The access to the Viking way from Dams Lane, stone has been purchased and is ready to be laid when the access to the land is drier.
  13. Neighbourhood Development Plan – As discussed during the public forum, please encourage residents to complete the questionnaire and survey.  There will be an open morning on 12th February and results from the questionnaire and survey will be shared.  Policies will also be share at draft stage.
  14. Full Fibre Broadband – IG advised that there is not a lot to say, he is still waiting for Open reach to provide a third and final quote.  IG shared the content of an email from Open reach, who are at present carrying out a review.
  15. Belchford Public Purposes Charity – One application has been received, which cannot currently be processed as we are in the process of changing Trustees and signatories.  Once this has been completed there should be in the region of £250 available to local groups.  It was noted that the parish council are able to make small grants using S137 monies.
  16. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Members discussed having a joint social event based at the village hall, possibly closing the road on Sunday 5th June.  JN will provide a newsletter article.  It is noted that parish councils can apply for funding.  Fulletby are also having a celebration but not sure on which day.  Consideration will also be given to village children receiving a gift.  A separate meeting will be held to coordinate resources.
  17. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting: none received.
  18. Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.  All councillors were also asked to provide information required by our bank as part of their safeguard review.
    1. To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, as provided by NB – received and attached – Appendix 1 below.  The current balance is £ 10,280.93 and there is four outstanding cheques for £508.50.  NB, the account looks very healthy as lots of grants have been received.  No large invoices are due.
    2. Payment of accounts – To consider and resolve payments since last meeting including clerks’ salary and HMRC, external audit and village hall hire.  Proposed, seconded, Voted and Resolved.

    NB advised that our bank account with HSBC will receive charges per cheque issued and there will also be a standing charge per month of £8.00.Should we consider changing to BACS payments?PT advised that there are some observatory expenses which require settlement and he will contact NB.

  19. Planning Matters: we have not been notified of any.
  20. To consider items for the Parish Newsletter: Please send articles to the clerk.  NDP, Community Woodland and Observatory, Queen’s Jubilee, FixmyStreet, planting of Purchased Trees and Footpaths.  Articles are requested please by 28th January so that delivery of the newsletter can be done before 5th February.
  21. To agree agenda items for the March 2022 meeting –NDP, Queen’s Jubilee, Community Woodland and Observatory, Village Green and Car Parking.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9 pm.

Appendix 1


Prepared by Nigel Brigginshaw, RFO Dated 20 January 2022


Balance per bank statement as at 1 January 2022

HSBC Current account

 £             10,789.23

Less: any un-presented cheques at 20 January 2022

304 PKF Littlejohn


307 Village Hall


313 The Blue Bell Inn


314 A Coates Woodland Products (Chestnut Poles)






Net bank balance as at 20 January 2022

 £             10,280.73

The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows


Opening Balance 01 Apr 21

 £               5,051.23

Add: Receipts in the year to 20 January 2022

 £               9,320.87

Less: Payments in the year to 20 January 2022

 £               4,081.17

Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2021 (from 2020/21)


Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 20 January 2022





Precept 2021- 2022 13th April 2021


VAT Repayment


Lane Letting




Groundwork UK RC








291 Mr R Short (Woodworking)


292 BHIB Insurance


293 Clerk's Salary


294 HMRC


295 Woodhall Print


296 N Brigginshaw (Stamps)


297 LALC


298 Belchford Village Hall


299 Clerk's Salary


300 HMRC


301 Belchford Village Hall


302 Mr P Thompson (50% payment for Chestnut Poles)


303 CAB


304 PKF Littlejohn


305 Clerk's Salary


306 HMRC


307 Belchford Village Hall


308 - Cancelled


309 Nancy Sorenti - Technical Reports NDP


310 Nancy Sorenti - Planning & Public Engagement Event NDP


311 Nancy Sorenti - Survey Printing NDP


312 Alex Lever (BaseOne Digital) Web Services NDP


313 The Blue Bell Inn (Xmas Meal Contribution)


314 A Coates Woodland (Final 50% payment for Chestnut Poles)


December Bank Charges



