January 2025 Minutes (16th)

otes from Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 16th January 2025 held at Belchford Village Hall
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as formal minutes until duly signed on behalf of the Parish Council)
Present in person: Councillors: P Thompson (PT), I Goodall (IG), K Skalka (KS), J Newby (JN), P Barnes (PB), M Brown (MB) and 1 member of the public, D Cllr Simpson, and the clerk Mrs K M Elliott.
The public forum began at 7.30 pm
Public Forum:  The grass verge/gulley is only 18” from the hedge and it used to be 1m on Fulletby Road – this is to be brought to the attention of the Highways dept.
Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.40 pm
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – PM and JS have provided apologies and reason, NS, no apology has been received.
2. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  There were none.
3. Chairman’s remarks – PT wished everyone a happy new year and thanked those who are here this evening.  Please give your thoughts to future projects for the parish council to undertake.  PT advised that he will not be present for the March meeting and that it was his intention to resign as chair and parish councillor at the May meeting/AGM.  He is ready for a new chapter and is happy to help with practical aspects of community life.  IG & JN are very sorry that PT has made this decision and IG asked that all other councillors be made aware of this.
4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2024 – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meetings having been previously circulated were accepted, following one amendment, as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated. Two minor amendments were made.
5. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:  
a. New Bin – This was a request from a parishioner for the layby on the Heath Road.  A bin and Base would cost approx. £360  Members discussed how much litter is there and do we have any budget for this cost.  This will be put on the March agenda for a decision.
b. CSW Scheme – the clerk has circulated details of the up to date costings for this scheme.  Data provided by LRSP indicates that there is not a speed problem.  Members discussed what other councils do and would there be any opportunity to share equipment.  Are there any volunteers who would be able to support this scheme and also undergo training?
6. To receive reports from District and County Councillors (if available) –District Councillor Daniel Simpson advised that there is stalemate with regard to the ELDC Local Plan at Government.  There may be a delay to elections in May because of devolution.  Tetford & Donington on Bain PC have CSW equipment which is not being used.
7. To receive an update from the Village Green Committee: There is no one present to provide a report.  The current committee is made up of Simon Miller, Nancy, and Stuart.  As we are the landlord please request a regular report to be provided at parish council meetings.
8. NDP & ELDC request for extension to report: This is to formally agree to the request from ELDC for extra time to respond and provide their report with regard to our NDP.  This matter was agreed at the planning committee meeting held last week and is formally resolved at this meeting to approve an extension in time until 7th February 2025.
9. Highways Matters – Fulletby Road issue, as raised in the public forum.  Following the meeting on site with Highways, please write to advise them of poor job done on Lowfield Lane and that stone has been washed out on Furlongs Lane, Whitehouse Farm.  Also the Salt/grit bin is empty in Fulletby, this has been reported to fixmystreet.  A suggestion to pipe off the natural spring in Church Street, Fulletby to mitigate Ice forming and causing hazards near the Post Box and Church.  The clerk was requested to write to Highways and copy in our County Councillor.  Chalk was not the substrate to be used and at the meeting the Highways reps were advised of this opinion.
10. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting:  The clerk has no correspondence.  JN has received the annual return for Belchford Public Purposes Charity.
11. Speeding: 
a. New Sign for Narrow Lane – It was suggested to move one of the current signs to a new location.  JN and PT will action this.
12. Footpath Maintenance – There are areas which could be made less muddy, lots of paths are intensively used.  Landowners should be consulted and volunteers requested to help put down the stone.  LCC footpath officer is to be asked to carry out a review as it is boggy in places, especially gateways.  
13. Maintenance of Village Furniture – A budget was agreed at the last meeting and JS is aware of someone who may take on this task.  PT would be happy to oil furniture in the late spring/summer.
14. Community Woodland – There has not been a lot of action lately.  Christmas Trees have been used to top up twiglet and trees are growing nicely.  Fruit Trees need pruning.
a. Monitoring of species – PB outlined what is being done at South Ormsby.  Constant power and Wi-Fi signal is needed.  Another option would be with solar and a dongle which would cost £450 each.  What do we want to monitor and how do we disseminate the information.  There could be a method to update to the PC website and increase the footfall at the woodland.  Birdfeeders could be installed and grant funding may be available, a search will be done.
b. Ideas – included a birdwatching Hyde and a beacon.
c. Pond – There is already a pond but it needs to be able to hold water and would require a liner.  This is all fairly easy to do.  Grant funding would make this achievable and PB will investigate.  Biodiversity net gain.  Investigate carbon capture on a newly planted woodland, look at the lease.
15. Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.  The RFO, has provided a financial report, which has been circulated to all.
a) Budget & Precept for 2025/2026 Members discussed the circulated budget documents and resolved to add £500 to the proposed budget, which results in a 29% increase and a precept of £4,000.
b) To receive an updated bank reconciliation form, a spreadsheet was provided, as circulated. £3,388 income and £1,962.74 expenditure for the financial year to date.
c) To consider and resolve payments since the last meeting, which include village hall hire.
16. Planning Matters: There are no new planning applications.  The Blue Bell application has been extended.
17. To agree agenda items for the March 2025 meeting.   JN & KE will coordinate articles for the next newsletter, including an explanation about the increase in Precept.  Speed Awareness volunteer request, vacancy for parish councillor, March meeting and APM.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.23 pm.


Prepared by Mrs K M Elliott, Clerk & RFO Dated 09 January 2025

Note: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 are cheques written up to then but not cleared

Balance per bank statement as at 1 November 2024

HSBC Current account

 £               7,193.20

Less: any un-presented cheques at 9th January 2025




Net bank balance as at 9th January 2025

 £               7,193.20

The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows



Opening Balance 01 Apr 24

 £               7,303.65

Add: Receipts in the year to 09012025

 £               3,387.99

Less: Payments in the year to 9th January 2025

 £               1,962.74

Less: Payments in the year to 31 March 2024 (from 2023/24)


Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 9th January 2025





Precept 2024- 2025 19th April 2024


HMRC VAT reclaim


LALC refund of overpayment







Bank Charges (22 April 2024)


430 Clear Insurance Management Ltd


431 LALC Subscription


432 LALC Training


433 LALC Web Time


434 Belchford Village Hall


Bank Charges (30042024)


Bank Charges (31052024)


Bank Charges (30062024)


435 LALC Website time


436 Mrs K M Elliott Clerks Salary


437 Mrs J Newby Newsletter printing and paint for signs


438 HMRC


439 Village Hall Hire


440 Village Hall Hire


441 Mrs K M Elliott Clerks Salary


442 HMRC


Bank Charges



