November 2021 Minutes (30th) (Planning)

Notes from Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 30th September 2021 held at Belchford Village Hall.

Present in person: Councillors: J Smith (JS), I Goodall (IG), J Newby (JN), M Brown (MB), N Brigginshaw (NB), P Thompson (PT).  Also present the clerk, Mrs K M Elliott and 11 members of the public.

Public Forum:  Litterbins were discussed and notices are to be put up to discourage people from littering, in particular at the top of the hills.  Members considered the Wombles suggestion.

The planning application at the rear of the Bluebell Inn was discussed, it was suggested that we should not concentrate on the access to the site but find other matters of material consideration to the proposal to focus on.  Use the shape and form of the village and the AONB.  It was felt that LWCS should be a consultee.  This is not a roadside development and would be seen as tandem development.  A question was raised, would the applicant consider putting caravans on this area?  We must deal with the application before us, we want the best outcome for the parish.  It is noted that the land is currently reverting to scrubland.  It has previously been an asset to the parish.  The village has previously offered to purchase the land which was at the time declined.  It is a green field site.  This person has been trying to get planning on this plot for at least 15 years.

The planning application at Dams Lane was discussed, there are concerns about the access into Dams Lane because it is on the corner.  The condition of the road surface on Dams Lane is also of concern as there are lots of potholes and this will only get worse.  It will set a president for more dwellings on that land.  It could become an estate.  The application is for one building with 4 bedrooms.  Concerns were raised over the level of traffic, potentially driving over people’s thresholds / driveways / gardens.  Potholes are regularly reported to LCC Highways but they are only temporarily filled and open up quickly due to large vehicles.  The land is set higher and there could be overlooking issues with views spoilt.  Brick walls are not pleasant to look at.  There is a banked hedge and it is a narrow lane.

The Meeting began at 7.57pm:

  1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – PM, RS, JL and ZH have sent apologies.
  2. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act.  There were none.
  3. Chairman’s remarks – There were none.
  4. To consider locks for the parish notice boards – IG noted that keys are required for notice boards in both villages.  It is proposed to use the Belchford Key for the Fulletby notice board and as new keys cannot be purchased to approve 2 new locks and 4 keys for the Belchford board.  This was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.
  5. Planning Matters:
    1. S/013/02283/21 – Land to the West of Dams Lane, Belchford. Each Parish councillor was asked for their views, which included:
      • That there are no immediate planning reasons to object, we could ask for a condition of granting the request to include for the site to be lowered.  This would improve the aesthetics and make access safer and easier. 
      • The views of the immediate neighbours should be taken into account. 
      • NPPF 15 should be quoted, with regard to the value of landscapes.  Ramblers are trying to open up historic footpaths.  Para 174 states that it is not appropriate in AONB to increase the density of housing and volume of traffic on a minor road.
      • The site levels have been considered, open views should be retained.  This site is along the Viking Way.
      • Concerns were raised with regard to the size of the site, the access to neighbouring farmland, privacy and the height of the development.  It is also possible that the 3 car garage could be subsequently developed as a separate dwelling.
      • A query was raised over the involvement of Mr Margrave.  If the site level was dropped to the same level as the house to the North East, Woodpecker Lodge and the developer was to contribute to the upkeep of Dams Lane would the parish council support or object.  The parish council do not have to support or object we can make comments and request conditions are applied.  It is felt that this development is against our developing NDP and there could be a compromise to a potential footpath and open views.

      The councillors voted and there were 4 against, one abstention and one supported.  The clerk will respond to ELDC, the deadline is 7th December 2021.

    2. S/013/02313/21 – Land to the rear of Blue Bell Inn, Main Road, Belchford.
      • The land is an eyesore currently and is not good for the neighbours whose property backs onto.  Two houses would be acceptable from an access point of view but this development must not affect the business at the pub.
      • We should preserve the open and historic character of the village, there is wilful neglect of the site currently.  Tandem development would be out of character with the historic figure of 8 layout of Belchford.  Development here would affect the character of the village.  The current access is approximately three vehicles wide.
      • This proposal contravenes various planning policies, it is not infill but tandem development and would be impinging on a sustainable business.  This is a windfall planning application and the plot should be advertised for sale on the public market.  It is the same proposal that has been withdrawn previously.  Why was this withdrawn?  The legal access to the pub car park is agreed.
      • What has changed since the previous application was withdrawn.  Permission has been denied previously.  Have any national planning policies been changed?
      • There are no reasons to change our opinion to previous applications for this site, the neighbours still object to this proposal despite the overgrown condition of the land.

      The councillors voted to object to this planning application, 6 against.  The clerk will respond to ELDC, the deadline is 13th December 2021.

      A further planning application, S/013/02438/21 for Dams Lane is due to be received and the deadline for this is 22nd December.  There are no objections to this proposal and the clerk will respond to ELDC as the Local Planning Authority.

  6. To agree agenda items for the January 2022 meeting – Swift boxes and Wombles.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.