May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Belchford and Fulletby Parish Council
Minutes from Annual Parish Council Meeting 16th May 2019
(These notes are a record of the meeting and are not accepted as formal minutes until duly signed on behalf of the Parish Council)
Present: Councillors: M Brown (MB), N Brigginshaw (NB), J Newby (JN), J Leedham (JL), R Short (RS), P Morris (PM), J Smith (JS), P Thompson (PT). Also present D Cllr D Andrews (DA) and six members of the public.
Public Forum: Those present discussed the recent planning application and their objection to it as neighbours feeling that it is an inappropriate development. Other neighbours are objecting on overshadowing rules and have also responded directly to ELDC and finally a third objection was noted on the grounds of the development being outside the village boundary and outside of the National planning policy guidelines.
All councillors present completed and signed the Declaration of acceptance of office and Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest forms before the meeting commenced.
1. Election of Officers:
a. Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Mr John Smith is appointed as Chairman.
b. Vice Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Mr Peter Thompson is appointed as Vice Chairman.
c. Responsible Finance Officer - It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Mr Nigel Brigginshaw is appointed as Responsible Finance Officer.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies were received from DH (hospital) and D Cllr DA for non-attendance. These absences were noted only.
3. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations - To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act. There were none.
4. Chairman’s remarks – JS welcomed everyone to the meeting and commented that the annual meeting was quiet but a very good meeting. Litter picking of the verges was carried out in wet conditions and thanks were extended to all those who attended and also thanks were given to PT for the newly installed notice board in the bus shelter.
5. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2019 – it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting having been previously circulated were approved as a true and accurate record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated. The clerk will report the broken grit bin at the cross roads again and the railings will also be reported to LCC highways for action.
6. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding:
a. Village Green Committee Report – the village green is owned by the parish council but a sub-committee organise the maintenance of the area and Mr S Green presented a report in summary to the parish council of the Village Green Committee AGM. The committee funds currently stand at £3,292.41. A copy of the report will be emailed to the clerk and JS asked for the thanks of the parish council to be passed on to the committee for their continued work. Those present discussed the Anglian water issues with regard to the sign/notice board and JN was nominated to assist with this negotiation.
It was RESOLVED to amend the order of the agenda.
7. Planning Matters:
a. S/013/00676/19 – Ryehill Farm, Main Road, Belchford. Each councillor in turn was asked for their opinions and comments in connection with this matter and 7 objected and one made no comment. Objections included inappropriate site access, out of proportion development for the proposed site, proposed site being outside the village curtilage and would spoil open views, overshadowing and inappropriate design which would directly overlook neighbours, design and appearance not suitable and no overriding need proven, also scale of development inappropriate for suggested location. It was therefore proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that this planning application is objected to and the clerk will submit the written details of the objections as detailed in the document provided by JN.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors, and Police (if available) – D Cllr D Andrews thanked all those who voted and advised that there had been a 44% turnout, the ELDC AGM is to be held this Wednesday. Our C Cllr is not present and Police have also sent their apologies.
9. To review potholes – there is an ongoing drainage issue in Fulletby and Lowfield Lane, Belchford which also has section of broken road edge. The clerk will forward details of the online reporting procedure to the new councillors.
10. To consider any Highways Matters – as stated previously the clerk is requested to submit details of the broken grit bin to LCC.
11. To approve Community Woodland lease agreement – the meeting discussed this previously circulated draft document from the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and in brief the details are for a 125 year lease at £1 per year. The area will be a community facility/amenity and a few native trees will be planted. It is on the parish border between Belchford and Fulletby and it is hoped that a footpath can be incorporated from both villages. PM asked if we want a solicitor to look over this document before it is signed. Legal expenses are to be shared equally and should be in the region of £500 each, following discussion it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that a solicitor is not required and that the lease should be signed by the clerk and Chairman. This is a good potential asset for both villages and a volunteer Tree Warden should be appointed. The Woodland Trust are to be contacted for some trees to be planted in the autumn and PM and PT were nominated as the working group representatives. [DA arrived at 8.17pm and left at 8.32pm]
12. To consider correspondence received since the last Council meeting -
Date Correspondence Action
There had been no correspondence.
13. Parish Council Insurance renewal – the RFO advised that the current provider is quoting £470 plus for renewal and an alternative quote has been obtained for the same level of cover at £294 from BHiB. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the insurance provider be changed to BHiB with effect from the renewal date.
14. To Consider Barn Owl Box Scheme – the clerk outlined the scheme and the potential grant funding available. Several sites were identified and the Chairman is meeting with the representative from the Barn Owl Conservation Trust on Monday to have a tour of the parishes and identify sites. Further details will follow at the July meeting.
15. Internal & External Audit to year end 31.3.2019.
a. Internal Audit - the RFO has organised for this matter to be dealt with in the next 2 weeks.
b. External Audit
i. The Annual Governance Statement was read and RESOLVED.
ii. The Annual Statement of Accounts was RESOLVED.
iii. The approval of Accounts to 31.3.2019 was RESOLVED.
16. Financial matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note the income for this period.
a) To receive an updated bank reconciliation form RFO – received and attached – Appendix 1 below. It is noted that there are 3 uncashed cheques at year end and the year-end balance is £6,794.57
b) Payment of accounts – members were advised of the list of payments and it was then proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that there were no payments made for this period and income was noted for this period of £3,140.52. This give a new balance of £9,819.77. Cheques are to be issued for payments to cover the insurance renewal costs, the village hall hire, LALC membership/subscription, clerks’ salary, expenses for J Smith & P Thompson and the costs of the Election in Fulletby.
17. To consider items for the Parish Newsletter
• Meeting report
• Septic tank – changes in regulations 2020
• Village Fete 2nd June
• Music & Comedy night 20th July
• Fulletby Hog Roast
• Community Woodland
• Vacancy for parish councillor
• Tractor run and Box Event
It is noted that delivery of the newsletter needs resolving in certain areas of Belchford and that the clerk will collate the contents of the newsletter which will then be sent to JN for “prettying up!”
18. To agree agenda items for the 11th July 2019 meeting and the venue for this meeting will be Fulletby Church
• Community Woodland update
• Village signs – legs need repairing
• Vacancy for councillor
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.10 pm
Appendix 1: see below
Prepared by Nigel Brigginshaw, RFO Dated 16 May 2019 |
Balance per bank statement as at 01 May 2019 |
HSBC Current account |
£ 9,819.77 |
Less: any un-presented cheques at 16 May2019 |
Net bank balance as at 16 May 2019 |
£ 9,819.77 |
The net balance reconciles to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) for the year to date, as follows |
Opening Balance 01 Apr 19 |
£ 6,794.57 |
Add: Receipts in the year to 16 May 19 |
£ 3,140.52 |
Less: Payments in the year to 16 May 19 (Chqs 240,241,242) |
£ 115.32 |
Closing balance per cash book [receipts and payments book] as at 16 May 2019 |
£ 9,819.77 |
Precept 2019-2019 15th April 2020 |
£2,940 |
VAT Repayment (for 2017/18 and 2018/19) |
£200.52 |
£3,140.52 |